Murphy's Law states that: "If something could go wrong, it will go wrong!"
Last Saturday night, I felt a familiar itch in my throat. Before going down with a cold or flu, I always seem to have that advance warning, an annoying itch at the back of my throat. Usually, I'd panic and start drinking lots of fluids, spray Kamilosan in my throat and mega-dose on Vitamin C. But after months of staying healthy and in tip-top shape, I dismissed this ominous sign and put it aside thinking, "Nah, it's nothing! I feel great and I'm in good shape!"
Sunday came and it was time for my last long run before tapering for the week. But the itch in my throat was still there. Still, I felt I could shake it off with a run. So off I went for a short 12k run. Everything felt fine. I was able to run in good time and felt great after the run. I hydrated properly, but took some pain-killers for good measure. Things were going dandy the whole morning, and then, it came out of nowhere and blindsided me. By late afternoon, I had a splitting headache and congested upper respiratory tract and was coughing heavily. By night fall, I was getting the chills. Still, I thought to myself, I could shake this off. The wifey, my personal doctor, was recommending I get started on an antibiotic regimen for good measure to head-off any infection. She was aware I was running a marathon in less than a week. But I told her it's nothing and that I could shake it off with lots of fluid and some vitamin C.
Monday morning was horrible! I started spitting out thick phlegm and was feeling very weak. The itch on may throat became a full-blown problem. I felt like swallowing coarse sand every time I try to swallow and I was coughing profusely! I started taking medicine for the symptoms as advised by the wifey, but I still refused to get started on antibiotics. I've bounced back from this before, and knowing that it's taper week, and I believed my body would cope!
Monday night came, and things took a turn for the worst! I was running (no pun intended) a low-grade fever by night fall. My body was in pain and my muscles and joints were screaming! I hardly slept and kept waking up shivering!
By morning, I began taking antibiotics to combat whatever it is I contracted. This was when I began worrying about the marathon. Could I still run on Sunday, or do I withdraw? I started feeling very sad. All the work I've put in to this thing was going to waste! All the hours spent on the road...
I didn't know what to do or what to think. I haven't experience running sick before and I didn't know what to expect in the next few days. Aware that I still have 5 days before the gun start, I wasn't sure if that is time enough to recover physically.
Then, I started feeling depressed. I wanted to find encouragement. I wanted to hear someone, somewhere that they too have been on the same boat before and pulled through afterwards. I just need to know that it can be done! So where else to look for encouragement? My Facebook world of course! I posted a comment on one of my favorite FB running page I <3 to Run, and sure enough, someone did reply!
Mindy Martin Creed's comment was just what I needed! Someone who actually was sick, but still managed to run a marathon, and the best she has yet! At the back of my mind, I knew it could be done! I knew that the human spirit is stronger than the body. I running, I knew that the saying "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" DOES NOT apply! But I just wanted to hear it straight from someone who has been there. I just needed the extra assurance. And here it was!
Encouragement from friends on Facebook was the icing on this cake! Getting much well wishes was a welcome push for me in the right direction!
By Wednesday morning, I was feeling much better. Fever and headache were gone. I felt energized, although I was still coughing and felt that my chest was still breathing tight. I've started taking some medicines for the coughing and hoping that it clears up on time. I'm still on antibiotics until today, my last dose. And hopefully by tomorrow, I could do a short 3k run just to remind my legs that they are speedy!
With what happened, I may have to kiss my target time goodbye, but I've started to play this new mantra in my mind over and over again: "TRUST YOUR TRAINING! TRUST YOUR TRAINING!". Will Sunday's marathon be my best run? The answer is, well, maybe, but definitely not no!
I still don't know how my body will perform on Sunday. But I can be sure I will give it my best shot! The human body is a fascinating piece of machinery, a wonder of engineering. But what is more astounding is the software that comes with it, the human spirit!
I keep telling myself that perhaps, this sickness is actually a software upgrade from the Great Programmer in the heavens! I may think that there are little kinks and bugs here and there, but I trust Him that what He has uploaded in my heart is the perfect "killer running app" for me! God is good! <3
Race report will come next week! Wish me luck! =)
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